原本只打算開放比特幣(BTC)支付的美國最大電影院運營商 AMC Entertainment 表示,已決定將擴大接受其他加密貨幣作為支付選項。
AMC Entertainment 執行長 Adam Aron 日前在推特上宣布,該公司計劃將接受其他三種加密貨幣:以太幣(ETH)、萊特幣(LTC)和比特幣現金(BCH)。
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts: you likely know @AMCTheatres has announced we will accept Bitcoin for online ticket and concession payments by year-end 2021. I can confirm today that when we do so, we also expect that we similarly will accept Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash. pic.twitter.com/uKcFyQotoJ
— Adam Aron (@CEOAdam) September 16, 2021
雖然 Adam Aron 這則貼文一出,馬上就廣受加密貨幣社群的好評,紛紛表示零售機構已經逐漸接受這個趨勢,但貼文還是引起部分網友的不滿,留言指責 AMC Entertainment 身為「迷因股」,卻忽略了同樣有著「迷因精神」的狗狗幣(DOGE)。
Wow, so out of touch with your customers and investors — sad!
Perhaps no one in your boardroom is familiar with The People’s Crypto, Dogecoin, which embodies the meme economy and the spirit of AMC
After this year I figured you would know a thing or two about the meme economy!!!
— 💸💸💸 (@itsALLrisky) September 16, 2021
正如區塊客今年 8 月報導, AMC Entertainment 當時宣布將在年底開放消費者使用比特幣在線上購買電影票和優惠券,為此,該公司還將構建加密貨幣支付系統,預計將在年底前到位。
Adam Aron 當時還指出,AMC 眾多新散戶投資者對加密貨幣「充滿熱情」,而民眾也渴望能在全美各地的 AMC 影院使用加密貨幣購票。