比特幣價格在 9 月 7 日暴跌 17%,一度跌破 43,000 美元後,讓交易人士猝不及防,並且引發衍生品市場大規模平倉,
Amount of Liquidations in the past 24 hours by exchanges in total $3.54 was liquidated!
In the past 24 hours, 330,243 traders were liquidated. The largest single liquidation order happened on @HuobiGlobal #BTC $BTC value $43.7M
Data source: @bybt_com pic.twitter.com/hNgctWgCgP
— 🇺🇦 CryptoDiffer – StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 (@CryptoDiffer) September 7, 2021
TradingView 數據顯示,
鏈上分析師 Willy Woo 發布推文說,更廣泛的金融市場當天以避險情緒開盤,
隨後的拋售導致價值 11 億美元的比特幣平倉,
Willy Woo 在接下來的推文中表示,昨天的走勢非常令人意外,
但這是個連續性的事件。拋售主要出現在衍生品市場( 就和大多數的崩盤一樣)。
Not entirely sure WTF just happened, but that's the sequence of events. The sell-off was mainly on derivative markets (like most crashes).
— Willy Woo (@woonomic) September 7, 2021
市場分析師波普(Michaël van de Poppe)對 9 月 7 日比特幣價格走跌提供了進一步分析,
#Bitcoin lost that $49K level as crucial support and smacked through it.
What just happened?
Overleveraged positions getting liquidated in a chain reaction, causing a massive wick.
If this wick closes above $47/48K, it will be an outlier.
— Michaël van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) September 7, 2021
並非所有市場參與人士都對 9 月 7 日的大跌全無防備,